marchio VisionMind
  • To align training with company strategy.

To align training with company strategy.


Training architectures simple and linked to the company’s objectives and their reference models (Performance Management System, Talent Development Path, MBO).

  • Align training with short, medium and long-term company strategy.
  • Enhance and systemize the offer of internal competencies, by structuring contents, methodologies, formats, calendars.
  • Develop the ability to be more supportive of management.
  • Evaluate and redefine the processes to access training in all its phases (identification of targets, management of invitations and confirmation, post-class feedback).


  • Analysis of existing materials.
  • Structuring the training offer.
  • Screening of external training partners, where necessary.
  • Preparation - including the graphic design - of training catalogues.
  • Internal communication for the launch of the training offer.