marchio VisionMind
Feedforward Managerial System trademark

Upstream intervention on the development process for a concrete managerial execution.


In order for People Management to be effective, managers need to work both on individuals and teams, therefore on the interactions among individuals.

We need to act on three levels:

  • enhancing past performance as a compass to orient and redefine future behaviors;
  • identify lessons learned in a shared way;
  • anticipating actions that are consistent with future professional scenarios.

Peopleness® is based on the most advanced breakthroughs in cognitive and social psychology.

People Management: personal, team, organization


The need/request for keeping operation, growth, and professional motivation together are more and more evident, with a specific approach that can practically support managers in day-to-day work.

At the moment, this approach has a “conceptual gap” that we aim to bridge specifically.

Performance Management operates downstream in People Management, and FEEDBACK is the main approach/tool of intervention.

People Management operates upstream of the development process and it needs a concrete form of managerial execution that is able to create the conditions for a real motivation and unlocking of people’s potential.

In our vision, we define the Feedforward® Managerial System as the methodological approach that encourages and completes potential and interchange and growth abilities that characterize a modern view of the relationship between managers and collaborators.

Feedforward Managerial System: methodological approach

Reference article From Feedback to Feedforward®

Very interesting: the logic and the tools of Feedforward® are brilliant!

Elena Magliola, Head of HR Development, Zurich Insurance Group Italia


Feedforward® is a registered trademark at European level, MUE 018271302