marchio VisionMind
  • Project Execution.
ONboard trademark

Enhance a structured execution process.


A methodology for design intervention developed by VisionMind.

What matters most in a project is the engagement and sharing as a working method to get to the execution of what agreed upon.

compos onboard


  • Easy-to-use thorough operating tool to promote and manage change.
  • To bridge the gap between in-class insights and organizational behaviors through actions within the daily teamwork.
  • Push every role to action.
  • Promote communication.
  • Coaching tool in the execution culture.
  • Tool for everyday operating innovation.


  • Self-learning and self-training to give continuity to the application of the chosen ‘toolbox’.
  • Mutual feedback to monitor acted behaviors with coworkers, generating joint alignment on objectives and actions.
  • Guided process focused on the importance to manage motivational drivers for themselves and colleagues.
  • Project tools to encourage organizational behaviors that give substance to change.
  • Generation of explicit and shared execution and monitoring elements.


compos onboard


Possibility to deliver in virtual classes.


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